Amazon May Use Empty Sears & JCPenney Stores In A Big Way
There has been A LOT of store closures in 2020 alone, but now those empty spaces may soon be put to good use.
Simon Property Group Inc., the largest mall operator in the U.S., is allegedly talking with Amazon to transform empty department stores -- more specifically, JCPenney and Sears locations -- into Amazon fulfillment centers.
And what would these fulfillment centers be used for?
To store inventory like electronics, kitchen appliances and one of the most needed items of 2020, face masks until they are shipped out to Amazon customers.
The list of former Sears and JCPenney store locations being considered for this big changeover has yet to be released but I am hoping a few of these new fulfillment centers are put in New Jersey.

Just think of how much faster we would get our packages!!!!
Plus, Amazon signed leases for 14 delivery stations in New Jersey and the hope is that these stations will open later this year.
To put it into perspective, packages are shipped from Amazon's fulfillment centers to Amazon delivery stations where they are sorted. From there, packages are sent out to customers.
I only see this benefiting all who shop on Amazon -- which is basically everyone by the way. The closer you have popular items, the quicker you can get it shipped to your customers.
And the quicker we get our stuff, the happier we will be and the quicker we will want to place ANOTHER order on Amazon.
And that....ladies and gentlemen....is the circle of retail life.
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