Be careful...there's a prank happening in New Jersey that could realllllly cost you.

I was on Reddit and someone so perfectly stated that you can tell Spring is on the way by our "state flower" blooming...

Reddit: u/carlosdangertaint
Reddit: u/carlosdangertaint

It is so true and now it's dangerous.  There is a new challenge/prank happening in New Jersey where kids are stealing the traffic cones at night so there is no warning of the deep potholes in a drivers' path.  The idea is to collect as many cones as you can to beat your friends and people are getting rightfully peed-off.

Photo: Reddit comments
Photo: Reddit comments

What causes the roads to breakdown after our Jersey winters?


Photo credit: Reddit
Photo credit: Reddit

You are seeing them all over the place and some are worse than others but just be diligent when you are driving in Jersey because those bright orange traffic cones may not be there to alert you of the road hazard.

Think it may be fun to get in on the prank? THINK AGAIN. It will cost you. According to Legal Beagle...

Street signs can run anywhere from $50 for a simple cone to upwards of $500, and you'll have to pay that amount as restitution in addition to the fine. If that doesn't seem like much, know that in New Jersey, stealing a sign worth more than $500 can land you fines of up to $15,000 and five years' jail time.

Since the idea is to collect cones that will certainly add up. a prank even worth a thing if you are not present when it even happens?  I don't see the funny in a phantom prank and more importantly this is incredibly dangerous.  It could lead to an accident with physical injuries or extensive damage to your vehicle. Keep your eyes peeled and if you were considering partaking in this stunt I hope this post gave you a reality check.

By the way did you know your personality can be described by the kind of car you decide to drive?  This is your car you agree?


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