Pothole Repair Alert! NJ-DOT is going to be repairing potholes across New Jersey
Alright, well, do you see any potholes in New Jersey?
Like a dentist fills a cavity to make your mouth healthier, the NJ-DOT will be filling potholes to make your drive across New Jersey roadways healthier.
NJDOT Commissioner Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti announced Thursday that their annual statewide campaign to repair Jersey potholes will begin on Monday.
It's been a bizarre winter in many ways, especially in January, but the snowfall, ice, and other elements including what gets used to prep and clean up a wintry mess have beaten up New Jersey roadways, which is why the DOT says they'll be heading out to clean up the cracks and make repairs.
“The New Jersey Department of Transportation is beginning our annual pothole campaign on Monday, February 28, and will continue for the next couple of months until we have repaired the most significant potholes from this winter,” Commissioner Gutierrez-Scaccetti said in a written statement. “NJDOT crews work year-round to repair potholes and keep our highways in good condition, but at this time of year it becomes a primary focus.”
We all want the potholes filled and repaired and many dare to dream of even pavement so the bills at the auto shop aren't steep for things like tires or front-end alignment repairs.
While the DOT and their crews move forward with this repair project, they are giving a heads-up that there may be cases where travels lanes will be closed during the day but between the window of 9:00 am and 3:00 pm.
The NJDOT said that they'll be using Variable Message Signs as well to keep you posted on the roads as to what's going on, and you can take a look yourself as well at www.511nj.org.
When cold weather turns to warm weather, the crews will do more permanent patch operations including milling and paving.
It has to be done when it's warm out for many reasons including that it doesn't dry as well or is able to be applied as well.
So, how many potholes has the NJDOT repaired over the past five fiscal years?
183,500, on average, per year.
Since July 1, 2021, the NJDOT said that they've repaired about 87,500 potholes.