Cyber Monday May Be More Productive For You Than Your Boss
Cyber Monday is here and you have a lot to do. And it may be your work tasks that are pushed to the bottom of the list this season.
If you are planning on kicking off your online shopping on this Cyber Monday, you're not alone and here are some things you should know. According to a Harris Interactive survey reported at, one in five workers will spend between one and three hours searching for deals online at the office over the course of the holiday season and one in ten will spend more than three hours.
Many employers do have a plan to battle the productivity that the season brings. Just over half of the employers will block workers from certain websites. And according to the survey, 22% of employers have fired workers for non work related internet usage and 7% of them "pointed directly at online shopping at work".
So, as the world gets faster and more complicated, and we find as many ways as possible to get it all done in our lives, just be careful not to get yourself in trouble! Maybe lunch hour is ok, but you better double check first!