Enough With The Fines! [OPINION/POLL]
I think failure to keep right tickets are an easy way for the state to make money. Now, fines could go up for people known as "left lane campers."
It's common driving courtesy to stay with the flow of traffic and not hog the left lane if you're slowing people down whether you're at or below the speed limit. I tend to apply this rule to my daily commute. But what if the people in the left lane are going 90mph? Are they "keeping with the flow of traffic?" No. They are just as guilty as drivers who fail to stay right unless passing.
Regardless, The New Jersey Senate Transportation Committee advanced a proposal to increase fines for drivers who fail to stay right except to pass — from $50 to $200 now, to $100 to $300, with $50 to go toward signs reminding motorists entering New Jersey about the stay right law. Are we supposed to thank the state for that extra $50 going towards signs? Come on.
Here's the best part, Sen. Norcross claims
that in talking with State Police, drivers usually aren’t cited for failure to stay right unless they camp out in the lane for three miles.
According to the state judiciary, 5,127 tickets were written for violations of the stay right law in the last calendar year. It is a 2-point violation for New Jersey drivers. You know, the ticket that keeps on giving.
New Jersey is the most expensive state to drive in. Insurance rates are ridiculous, tolls just increased and with the price of gas going, up getting from A to B is getting pricier and pricier. While I understand the New Jersey needs to generate revenue, this is not the answer. Ticket the cars clearly going 95 on the Parkway. If a driver is clearly impeeding the flow of traffic and making it dangerous for other drivers, then ticket them.
In closing, abusing the issuing of bogus moving violations and jacking up fines on every offense is not the answer to New Jersey's budget nightmare. It's a cheap way to make money off of your citizens and create a lot MORE angry drivers.