Even More You Know You’re From Manalapan When…
We've been having such a good time getting feedback from towns all over Monmouth and Ocean like Middletown, Freehold, Howell and Brick. Our "You Know You're From..." series really shows who know their town. The response has been nothing less than astounding! It's time to shine the spotlight on Manalapan!
The following responses are from a question we posted on Facebook. If you don't see your comment, don't worry. There were so many replies that we will likely do a part 2.
What's missing from the list? Tell us in the comment section below.
And now...
You Know You're From Manalapan When...
you worked at the Englishtown Auction or Raceway Park as a kid (Bernadette Riehle)
you remember the Grateful Dead coming to Raceway Park. (Patty Hunter Niro)
you used to hang or work at The Olde Silver Tavern and eat .99 cent bar pies!!! (Melanie Miladinov)
It's always Great Adventure, never Six Flags! (Christina David)
you shopped at Steinbachs or Grand Union. (Suzy Tracy)
you went to Soda King. (Jennifer Cajigas)
you used to bowl and eat Italian ices from the cart in front of Two Guys. (Michele Amabile Angermiller)
you remember when Manalapan Day was first at Yorktown Shopping Center. (Ann Alexandersen Scafidi)
two words. Old Silvers. (Michael Catalano)
you remember Mr. Bright. (Suzanne Policastro Kirby)
you had a birthday party at Skateway 9. (Debbi Klein)
the biggest fight between siblings was over whether to go to Jersey Freeze or Carvel. (Cindy Messina)
you had milkshakes and gravy fries at the Manalapan Diner, after midnight. (Sloan Mandler)
your run for sports took you through Old Tennent Church Cemetery. (Dana Casini Essner)
you went to Pine Brook School for Jr High (7th and 8th grade). (Christina David)
you hung out at Yorketown and The YI (Vanessa Vario)
you had film developed at the Fotomat booth at Yorktown Shopping Center, when Acme was there! (Michele Blumstein-Nagiewicz)
you went ice skating at the pond behind Acme. (Jay Feingold)
the lights from the rec and Raceway Park noises kept you up in the summer and you wouldn't have it any other way. (Veronica Toth)
you shopped at Bradlees, Cost Cutters and Smith Brothers. (Lisa Gafah)
you went to Freehold Raceway to watch the 4th of July Fireworks. (Steve Arbeitman)
you went to the circus behind Steinbachs. (Michele Amabile Angermiller)
you met up before high school parties in Yorktowne Shopping Center or Wawa on Union Hill or Route 9.
you got library books from the Bookmobile. (Dana Casini Essner)
you rode behind the bug spray truck on your bike...before you found out it could kill you. (Sylvia Gluesing)
you had to sit in traffic and wait forever to get to high school on Tennent Road. Manalapan high school senior parking lot had to have a carpool of "three people assigned to one spot" so we would photocopy them to bypass that rule. (Amanda Musante)
you know Yellow Duck and Country Roads! (Michelle Adams)
when Mr. Bright caught you smoking in "smokers corner" in high school. (Kimberlee Calabro-León)
you'll never forget the waitress with the bouffant hairdo at Manalapan Diner! (several contributors)
you bought Lee corduroys at that little store in Englishtown or went to United Outlet in Freehold for Jordache or Sasson Jeans. (Chris Kopps Jelinsky)
you crashed your bicycle trying to fly down that sidewalk with all the humps between Clark Mills and Milford Brook School. (Shawn Mowla)
you left Monmouth Heights Swim Club and got 3rd degree burns from your family's car vinyl seats. (John Sarafin)
you went to Friendly's in the Manalapan Mall on a weekday & then came back for the carnival on the weekend!
you remember the rope swing behind Pine Brook, where we tried to get as many people on as possible in one shot.
you ate Jersey Freeze & and watched the fireworks at the Freehold Racetrack from your family's car, parked on the Route 9 circle.
you bought concert tickets at the Ticketmaster outlet inside Foodtown on Tennent Rd. (all from Jen Watker)
"Charlie the chip man" used to deliver to your house. (Liz Dery)
Doc Hussy and Ms. Gargulio told you Bruce stories and what he was like as a student. (Joy Burlew)
you remember the dances at St. Thomas More. (Jen Watker)
you walked to Pine Brook School. If you lived in Yorktown you were considered to close to ride the bus! (Linda Walter Faircloth)