Favorite Jersey Shore Highway
We all spend plenty of time complaining about the roads to avoid.....how about a little love for the routes you PREFER to take? Here are mine.
Oh, those awful stretches of highway...coupled with the dreaded travel times where bottlenecks are most likely to occur. This is a subject that usually causes our blood to boil.
But for every road we complain about...there is an alternate route. Here are my favorites:
If I could avoid it, I would never take the Garden State Parkway anywhere. I hate so many things about it and about the drivers that use it. SO, when possible, I am a Rt. 18 and Rt. 34 kind of girl!
Also, in the winter months when no tourists are present, I like to avoid Brick Boulevard/Hooper Avenue and hop on Rt. 35 from Bay Head to Seaside!
What are your favorite main routes to take in Monmouth and Ocean Counties?