The Most Hilarious and Unbelievable Street Names in New Jersey
Have you ever been traveling around and come across a street sign that makes you do a double-take? In all likelihood, you didn't read incorrectly. New Jersey has some really strange, and really funny street names.
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New Jersey isn't the only state with strange street names.
STUB TOE LANE - PORTSMOUTH, RHODE ISLAND - Apparantly driving the road is equally as painful.
ELVIS ALIVE DRIVE - You've got to know this is in Vegas.
BOOGER BRANCH ROAD - It's hard to believe, but there are actually 3 Booger Branch Roads in America. One in Six Mile, South Carolina; one in Tennga, Georgia; and one in Knott County, Kentucky.
RASCALLY RABBIT ROAD - BARNSTABLE, MASSACHUSETTS. I bet there's some hunting going on there.
We're admittedly unique in New Jersey. That's why these actual street names don't surprise me. They're still really funny though.