Gorgeous! Do You Love The Summer Sunflowers in Ocean County, New Jersey?
I'll be perfectly honest my thumbs are not green lol I have very little talent at gardening...I leave that to April and let her do our backyard garden. Our home garden is April's project and she is totally into it and is a great hobby and she's had great success now over the years.
I know many of you at home are into gardening at home as well, whether it's flowers or vegetables or maybe both...many residences here in Ocean County have fantastic gardens.
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For many of you, you may have sunflowers and if you do I bet you love them. Sunflowers are a really cool plant and I am glad April incorporated them into our backyard garden. Sunflowers come in many varieties and size too!
We have one sunflower plant that is huge it's over 10 feet tall! Wow, I have never seen one like this in a backyard, but maybe you have? If you have planted sunflowers in the past have you had some jump up in height? It's crazy that she started this plant from a seed and now it's over 10 feet tall....wonder how tall it will get overall?
So I'm curious to ask you at home to show us your sunflowers...would love to see the different sizes, colors, and varieties that you at home are growing. What is the largest you ever grew? have you ever had one over 10 feet tall?
Email your sunflower pics shawn.michaels@townsquaremedia.com
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