Great Summer Read
Summer is a great time to get wrapped up in a good book while sitting under the sun at your favorite beach at the Jersey Shore. I recently got back into reading and I am so glad I did. I am into many different types of books, but just recently I have been into self help and inspirational books. One of my closest friends had found someone on Instagram and loved his inspirational quotes and saw he had a book. She purchased it and read it. She found it so inspiring that she bought me a copy. I was super excited because I also found his posts to be very uplifting and kind of in your face about keeping things honest within yourself. I had so many similar thoughts and had actually found that some of his words, were words I had written in my very own journal. What are the odds? The book is called Diesel Spirit and if you are into working on yourself to be a better you, I suggest you get yourself a copy, it's sold on Amazon! There is also a Volume 2. I can't wait to finish them both. Let me know what you think when you are done!
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