Yes, the crazy animal-lover in me has found ANOTHER story that I cannot help but share because I think we need to bring this concept here to the Jersey Shore!

Through the Humane Society of Missouri, there is a program in place that has kids read to shelter animals 7 days a week for as long as they like each time that they come.

Before reading, kids would be taught how to read the animal's body language and those that show signs of being scared, anxious, or stressed should be read to first to ultimately help them get adopted that much more quickly.

"It helps [the animals] adjust to their environment and feel comfortable enough to interact with the reader so that when adopters come through, they are comfortable enough to greet them," said Joellyn Klepacki, Humane Society of Missouri's Director of Education.

In addition, having kids read to the animals offers an opportunity for beginners to read to a nonjudgmental audience that won't notice if they mess up a word or two which could really help with the learning process.

Currently 6.5 million animals are in shelters around the USA, and just under half are actually adopted. So, what do you say to bringing this to the Jersey Shore?!

Check out the video I stumbled upon here and the Humane Society of MO's Facebook Page.

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