How A Rainy Day Can Save You Some Money!
Rain sucks. It makes your hair frizzy, ruins your shoes, makes you tired all day, and generally puts everyone in a bad mood.
It is however, good for one thing, and that is saving you a couple bucks.
How so? I know I'm not the only one who has walked outside to find our once black (or white, or red, or whatever) car now colored green from pollen.
Much to my father's horror, I never wash my car. I wait for days like this. My very own natural auto spa. Sure, I look like a drowned rat, but my car will be wonderfully shiny (and clean) tomorrow.
And let's not forget we could all skip the allergy meds today! Yay! (Hey, that stuff's not cheap!)
Slog through the puddles (and the work day), grab a power nap (5 min counts!) when you get home and relish in the fact that you and your newly washed car are in for a fabulously sunny Jersey Shore weekend.
What's your favorite part about a rainy day? Comment below!