Howell’s Most Dangerous Neighborhoods?
The website Neighborhood Scout has compiled a list of communities in Howell that are "safe" based on data they've collected. Do you agree with their findings?
Neighborhood Scout is an independent website that says to use condition, trend, and forecasting data to uncover opportunity and mitigate risk. Whatever all of that is supposed to mean. Truthfully, the only people that know a town is the people who live there.
In fact, we put together a fun list of "You Know You're From Howell When..." not too long ago, and it really spotlights how cool and unique the town is. Click here to check it out!
It's paramount to know that Neighborhood Scout's findings DO NOT reflect my opinion of Howell. The sole purpose of this post is to get the feedback and opinions of Howell residents on this data. So, what do you think?
A list of eight Howell neighborhoods is presented.
The safest neighborhoods based on Neighborhood Scout's stats are:
- Salem Hill
- Lake Club / Winston Park
- Ramtown
These were the locations that Neighborhood Scout put at the bottom five.
5 - Land of Pines / Oak Glenn
4 - Southard
3 - Squankum / Larrabees
2 - Bergerville / Fort Plains
This is the lowest ranking neighborhood in Howell according to Neighborhood Scout:
1 - Candlewood
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