We knew he could rap from his “Rhyme Pays” days in 1987. We knew he could act before 2000 when he joined the cast of “Law and Order: Special Victims Unit.” Now it turns out Newark-born Ice-T is a comic too.

At least when the prices are high.

Pump number 9! To the lineup! Give us a profile!

The average cost of a gallon of regular in New Jersey has dropped a few pennies in recent days but it’s far from okay. It still stands above $4 per gallon and the pain isn’t going away

So if you need medicine for that pain laughter like Ice-T provided may be the best. I rounded up a few gas jokes making the rounds recently.

We’re so excited. My husband and I are proud to announce our loan was approved! We close on a tank of gas next week!

The national average price for a gallon of gas is $4.23. Which means wherever you’re going this summer it may be cheaper to mail your car.
— Amy Poehler

Today I got gas for $1.57. Unfortunately it was at Taco Bell.
— Unknown

At a gas station near my house there’s a sign saying “We take Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.” After I filled up my tank they took my Visa, my MasterCard, my Discover and my American Express.
— Jay Leno

Why did the Art thief's van run out of fuel? He had no Monet to buy Degas to make the Van Gogh.
— Unknown

I went to the gas station today and my options were, cash, credit card or kidney.
— Unknown

Saw a guy at pump #2 order $10 of regular. Where’s he think he’s going, pump #3?
— Unknown

Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.

You can now listen to Deminski & Doyle — On Demand! Hear New Jersey’s favorite afternoon radio show any day of the week. Download the Deminski & Doyle show wherever you get podcasts, on our free app, or listen right now:

UP NEXT: See how much gasoline cost the year you started driving

Every NJ city and town's municipal tax bill, ranked

A little less than 30 cents of every $1 in property taxes charged in New Jersey support municipal services provided by cities, towns, townships, boroughs and villages. Statewide, the average municipal-only tax bill in 2021 was $2,725, but that varied widely from more than $13,000 in Tavistock to nothing in three townships. In addition to $9.22 billion in municipal purpose taxes, special taxing districts that in some places provide municipal services such as fire protection, garbage collection or economic development levied $323.8 million in 2021.

School aid for all New Jersey districts for 2022-23

The state Department of Education announced district-level school aid figures for the 2022-23 school year on Thursday, March 10, 2022. They're listed below, alphabetically by county. For additional details from the NJDOE, including specific categories of aid, click here.

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