Is New Jersey One Of The Most Visited States In America?
There is no doubt it's going to be a busy weekend here in New Jersey, with most residents and tourists alike pointing their vehicles toward the Jersey Shore to celebrate Memorial Day Weekend.
If you live or visit the Jersey Shore, especially on a holiday weekend, you would bet your bottom dollar that everyone in the world was going the same way on the Garden State Parkway all at once. It certainly feels that way if you pick the wrong time to leave for wherever you have to go.
Nobody has to tell us that the Jersey Shore is one of the most popular summer destinations on the East Coast and the whole country for that matter.
We'd be the first to admit, though, that after Labor Day, some of the most bustling Shore towns in our state turn into Fall and Winter ghost towns, and that may explain our recent ranking on the most visited states list at Statista.
I don't think anyone thinks New Jersey gets more visitors than California, New York, or Florida, but would you believe us if we told you that New Jersey is only the 13th most visited state in the nation? That's exactly what the stats say.
More people are visiting Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Virginia than are coming here to the Garden State, although 40% of people surveyed did say they have visited the Garden State.
The numbers don't lie, but try to convince us of that one hot summer morning when we're in 20 miles of traffic trying to get off the Parkway at Exit 98 to go to Belmar. We'll have a hard time believing you.
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