Borough of Beachwood, NJ shuts down beaches due to lifeguard shortage
🏖 Borough of Beachwood closes down their beaches for summer season
🏖 Lifeguard shortage affecting many Jersey Shore towns
🏖 It's unclear if Beachwood beaches may possibly open in 2023
It's been an annual issue over the last three plus years and Jersey Shore towns are trying to find ways to grapple with the ongoing lifeguard shortage.
Some towns have just enough or their usual amount, maybe some extra, but other municipalities are struggling mightily to staff their beaches.
Two of the larger beach communities in Monmouth and Ocean Counties - Asbury Park and Seaside Heights - are among those who have enough lifeguards and are doing okay.
However, there are towns who may be just getting by or don't have the staffing period.
In Ocean County, the governing body in the borough of Beachwood has made the tough decision to close down their municipal beaches for the summer of 2023 after literally only getting 1 lifeguard application.
It's unclear if the beaches could end up opening at any point if there are an adequate number of lifeguards available to work in Beachwood.

The requests seeking additional information by Townsquare Media have not yet been returned.
Here is the full statement from Mayor Ron Roma and the borough council.
"Dear Beach Patrons,
Due to the lack of Lifeguard employment applications received by the Borough, there will be no swimming allowed at the Beachwood Beach for 2023. For months, the Lifeguard advertisements were posted on the Borough's website, the Police Department website, and other various social media platforms as well as contacting local high schools and other agencies in search of potential Lifeguards. Unfortunately, the Borough has received only 1 application. For the safety of all, the Borough requires that no one goes swimming this year. For those who like to sit on the beach and enjoy the view, you may continue to do so. Hopefully, the next year will bring more applicants to fulfill the Lifeguard positions. The Borough covers the cost for the American Red Cross Water Front Certifications as well as offers a competitive hourly rate.
Mayor & Council of the Borough of Beachwood"