Jersey Shore Residents Travel Guide For Avoiding Germs
If you live at the Jersey Shore, our brutal winter weather this year so far makes it a perfect time to get away. If you're planning on traveling, there are some things you need to know if you're not a fan of germs.
This is a great time of year to do some traveling, but unfortunately travel leads us to some of the germiest (is that a word?) places around. So we thought you'd appreciate a traveler's guide to avoiding the germiest places while traveling.
Let's start on the flight to you warm, wonderful destination...
The plane. Experts say among the absolute germiest places on a plane are aisle seats (more gems than window seats), blankets or pillows not wrapped in plastic, seat belt buckles and your seat's armrests, according to the Daily Meal, and reported at msn.com.
And now that you've managed to avoid all those germs on the plane, welcome to the place you spent a pretty penny to sleep at.
The hotel. The comforter on that bed may be in the room for days before it's changed. And then there's the phone (can you imagine how many fingers have touched that?). And don't forget the room key and the pillowcases (germs love them too). And how about the mold that loves to live in that coffee pot if it's not maintained properly.
I'm not sure that this guide will help you on your trip or convince you to cancel it, but it's here for however you want to use it.
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