Point Pleasant is a wonderful place to live. I should know. I live there and love every minute of it.

So I started to wonder who the most popular person in this great town is. And I came up with a few possibilities. First, let’s take care of the obvious, in case you thought this was an attempt at a shameless self promotion. I never for a moment thought it was me. And neither did you, so let’s agree to just move on from that notion.

Three names came to mind immediately, and I think you will be surprised at who I chose as most popular.

Here are a few honorable mentions, and I think they are all awesome.

Diamond Dallas Page. This legendary wrestler is in fact from Point Pleasant, and is the brother of another of the town’s most famous people, Sally Jane Smith from Travelsmiths!

Kirsten Dunst...yes she is a mega movie star, and without a doubt an international star, I mean who else from Point hangs with Spiderman?. She is a star and a great actress, and we love her, but we opted to give the honor to someone else.

Christie Pearce Rampone...one of the great soccer players of our time. She won Gold Medals, World Cups, and captained the U.S. Women's National Team. And of course, she's a native of Point Pleasant. A true shining star from Point.

So who could be the person who is more popular in Point Pleasant than movie star Kirsten Dunst, wrestling legend Diamond Dallas Paige or internationally known soccer player Christie Pearce Rampone?

It must be somebody special...and it is. It has to be someone who can make a meatball a masterpiece and be responsible for a monumental mozzarella. It’s a guy who has most likely been responsible for more of your meals than anyone else except for maybe Mom. Maybe.

We’re talking Joe Leone. And the honor is not just because of the amazing food, although that’s a big part of it. Joe has worked tirelessly and selflessly to help those in need and help make our community better any way he can.

Lou & Joe Leone
(Photo of Lou Russo and Joe Leone courtesy of Anthony DeCostanza)


And that makes him a star in his own right. In my years of knowing Joe he always goes the extra mile to help, and never looks for the spotlight or headlines. And for that, we are proud to name Joe Leone our choice for most popular person in Point Pleasant.

If there was a Point Pleasant Hall of Fame, everyone in this article should make it. And Joe should be in it,too. And by the way, if there is a Point Pleasant Hall
Of Fame, somebody let me know. It’s for a friend.

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