I absolutely love when I find heartwarming stories like these.

A man named Kevin Mota, who needs a wheelchair to get around, was given an amazing day in Long Branch thanks to the Red Bulls and the Viking Army (Red Bull New York Supporters)

Now these two groups stepped up because Kevin has been described as, "one of [The Red Bulls] most dedicated supporters" and has even ben promoted to "super fan" status of the Viking Army (Red Bull New York Supporters)

So everyone came together: beach staff, ocean rescue and EMTS to bring Kevin onto the beach on a wheeled beach chair which floats in the water so he could finally experiencing swimming and surfing in the ocean.

"An unforgettable experience for Kevin Mota and we are so proud to be part of it. Thanks to all that made this possible," Viking Army SC wrote on its Facebook page.

If you take a look at the photos captured during this amazing day, you see one emotion on Kevin's face: pure happiness.

A round of applause to everyone who had a part in making this happen. I am sure that this is a day that Kevin will NEVER forget.

Do you know of any other heartwarming and amazing stories like this one?

Well then let me know because I am sure everyone is looking to smile at amazing acts of kindness like this.

Take a look at the original article at Patch.com.

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