Here’s Why People Are Saying #MeToo
On Sunday afternoon, American actress Alyssa Milano posted to twitter asking women who have been sexually assaulted to reply to her tweet by writing the words "Me Too."
This social media trend was created to highlight just how prevalent the issue of sexual harassment and assault is, and boy did it do its job. Over 30,000 women had replied to the tweet by Monday including major celebrities such as Debra Messing and Anna Paquim! The original focus was for women to reply to the tweet, but men did participate with their own assault stories.
However, the social media trend has also encouraged those who have not been affected to speak out to support the victims that were sharing their stories. Below are some local tweets that really pulled at my heart strings.
I, for one, am among the "Me Too" clan and am somewhat relieved to see that there are ways for all of us that have been affected by this issue to come together and have a voice. However, as I scrolled down my Facebook feed the past two days, almost every single woman that I know posted the status and it gave me a knot in my stomach.
The time is now. A change must come or everyone will be able to write "Me Too" because the trend is only getting worse as our leadership stoops lower and lower.
For some additional information on the #MeToo trend, click here.
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