New Jersey Are We Ready For Puppy Pot?
If you are like me, your favorite time with your puppy is when they calm down and get super snuggly and sleepy. Usually puppies have two settings, high speed and comatose. Then as they get a bit bigger they develop their own fears just like anyone else.
Every dog gets nervous at one point of another. Separation anxiety can create a mess of your home as pillows get shredded out of pure stress. Our fur babies may need a little help and I just discovered a way to help them totally chill out.
I just came across ZenWag which is not exactly the same as your dog catching a buzz, but it will calm them down. After researching this a bit I learned that this is a full spectrum CBD oil from hemp that was grown in Colorado. They also add in Ashwagandha root and organic Valerian extracts for your pet's overall mental health.
My dog, Fozzie gets over-the-top excited when it comes to company coming over so this will be perfect to help him just chill out and enjoy the experience.
We all know how cool our dogs are but other people get uncomfortable when they jump and bark like crazy. Of course we are still working on the training but it is good to know there is a natural way for me to help him relax, especially when there is the daunting vet visit or nail clipping appointment.
Zen Wag works for any size pup and they are able to answer any questions you may have. You can contact them here.
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