If you are looking for an amazing, iconic road trip, experts say you don't have to cross a border. There is an iconic road trip you have to take right here in New Jersey.

Photo by why kei on Unsplash
Photo by why kei on Unsplash

Now, we don't often consider the words "joy" and "driving" very compatible here in the Garden State. As a matter of fact, those two words hardly ever find themselves in the same sentence, unless of course there is a "once I stopped" in the middle of them.

New Jersey residents are very comfortable with driving being a necessary evil, and often a blood pressure-rising experience, we must perform to get where we are going.

Photo by Roger Victorino on Unsplash
Photo by Roger Victorino on Unsplash

But as it turns out, there are joyful moments to be had behind the wheel of your vehicle without ever leaving the Garden State, according to the website Planner At Heart.

They have come up with a comprehensive list of iconic road trips in each and every state in the nation, so we are looking forward to what they chose for us.

Photo by Sorin Gheorghita on Unsplash
Photo by Sorin Gheorghita on Unsplash

We are assuming that the journey will not take us near an airport, a beach in the summer, or any tunnels that might have a 45-minute backup.

So, where do the travel experts say we should go to enjoy New Jersey's most iconic road trip?

Photo by serjan midili on Unsplash
Photo by serjan midili on Unsplash

They say it all starts in Englewood Cliffs and winds up in Sussex County, and no one could deny the views of the city and nature on that trip would be nothing short of breathtaking.

A road trip from the northeast corner of the state to the northwest one is a really great way to take in some amazing views and avoid the hustle and bustle of, well, the rest of the state.

Google Maps
Google Maps

You see, you can have a great road trip right here in New Jersey. Just ask the experts.

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