When Do You Legally Have To Stop For A School Bus In New Jersey?
School is back in session!
I hope all my preschoolers, kindergarteners, elementary school, middle school, high school, undergrad and master students have had a great start to the school year.
So in honor of the back to school season, let's do a bit of a refresher on pretty important a topic:
When do you legally have to stop for a school bus in New Jersey?
According to 6abc.com, this question does not have one answer because there are a few different scenarios.
Be advised that you must stop at least 25 feet away from a school bus in New Jersey to be following the law.
According to 6abc.com, if you are driving on, "a two-lane roadway, vehicles traveling in both directions must come to a complete stop." So whether you are behind the school bus or driving in the opposite direction: STOP.
If you are driving on, "a multi-lane roadway without a median separation or one with a center turning lane, vehicles traveling in both directions must stop," according to 6abc.com. Basically, STOP no matter which side you are on.
According to 6abc.com, if you are driving on a, "multi-lane roadway divided by a barrier or a median, vehicles traveling in the same direction of the school bus, either in the same land behind the bus or in an adjacent lane must come to a complete stop."
"If you are traveling on the opposite side of the roadway as the school bus, proceed with caution," but you do not have to come to a full stop. So if you are on the same side as the bus, STOP.
New Jersey does not mess when it comes to the safety of our school goers.
According to 6abc.com, if you choose to ignore these rules, you could, "face fines of at least $100, 15 days in jail or 15 days of community service or both," for the first offense.
For subsequent offenses, drives will be fined, "at least $250 and 15 days in jail." It will also come with 5 points being added to your license.
Whenever in doubt, just stop for a school bus if their red stop sign is extended.
It is all of our jobs to ensure that kids of all ages make it safely to and from school every single day.
So, who is ready for the spooky season: