In a recent study, it was revealed that there have been over 500 reports of UFOs, or UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena) over the skies of the USA since 2004. And some of those have been in the skies of New Jersey.

Photo by Albert Antony on Unsplash
Photo by Albert Antony on Unsplash

I'm not saying everything everyone has seen in the sky is a real UFO, or UAP which is the way they are being referred to now, or that it's a spaceship full of aliens. But what if one, just one, actually is?

Of course, many of these sightings are planes, helicopters, and weather balloons. Tons of others might be birds, reflections, or weather anomalies. But I still ask the same question. What if just one isn't?

Photo by Artem Kovalev on Unsplash
Photo by Artem Kovalev on Unsplash

As recently as early September of this year, reports were filed on the National UFO Reporting Center website of strange lights doing unusual things. It can't all be our imagination, can it?

Apparently not, since according to a CBS report, of those 500 sightings we mentioned earlier, 171 remained "unexplained", and involved "unusual flight characteristics or performance, and require further analysis."

Photo by Artem Kovalev on Unsplash
Photo by Artem Kovalev on Unsplash

And here's another thing that will make you begin to think twice. Many of these reports are not from random people looking for a moment in the spotlight, or some delusional storyteller, but from U.S. Navy and Air Force aviators.

And remember, if just one of these reports turns out to be that craft from another civilization on some distant planet, that changes everything we thought we knew about...well...everything.

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