Before you know it, the crisp temperatures of a New Jersey autumn will give way to the bitter cold of a Garden State winter. So, just how bad do we have it here in New Jersey during the winter months?

Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash
Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

Just by the nature of where we live, New Jersey is a summer-loving kind of place. With our beautiful beaches and boardwalks, the return of winter seems to be a low point of the year for many Garden State residents.

We start counting the days until summer as soon as the Labor Day tourist head back north on the Garden State Parkway, and every year that countdown to Memorial Day weekend takes way too long.

Photo by Jessica Fadel on Unsplash
Photo by Jessica Fadel on Unsplash

Are we making a bigger deal out of winter here in New Jersey than we really need to? Are our winters really that bad? We did a little research to find out how a Garden State winter ranks against all the other states in the nation, and the results may surprise you.

We found research done by Thrillist on this very topic, and the results of it will make you think twice before you ever complain about a New Jersey winter again.

Photo by Filip Bunkens on Unsplash
Photo by Filip Bunkens on Unsplash

It turns out, when you compare our winters to those across the nation, we should really be counting our blessings. I’m not sure we’d make it through the winters in some parts of the nation.

The article says that New Jersey’s winters are merely a blip on the radar. We rank 24th in the nation, meaning 23 states have worse winters than we do. How did they determine this good winter news?

Photo by Chandler Cruttenden on Unsplash
Photo by Chandler Cruttenden on Unsplash

They considered things like weather patterns, temperatures, how the road crew handle snow, and some other factors. And apparently, our winters pale in comparison to two dozen states.

The state with the worst winter in America belongs to North Dakota, and not surprisingly, the state with the mildest winters is a little place called Hawaii.

Photo by Jason Abdilla on Unsplash
Photo by Jason Abdilla on Unsplash

So, the next time we think about complaining about a New Jersey winter, we may want to pause and count our blessings. But you and I both know we won’t.

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