New Jersey’s Top Dog(s)
We really do love our dogs here in the Garden State, so which dog type is the most popular in New Jersey?
It turns out that, since nothing is easy in the Garden State, neither is naming the top dog in our state. It all depends on which publication you're looking at. So we decided to give a handful of them the honor.
Why not, we love them all anyway, right? So here's what we found...
Labrador Retriever...that's what recently determined.
Maltese. The publication BestLife says this is the Garden State's most popular do.
Maltese. Imgur says it's the Maltese, too.
Yorkshire Terrier. Yorkies get the nod from canna pet.
Labrodor Retriever. Another vote for Labs from Mental Floss.
I'm sure the more we researched the more different answers we'd have, but it doesn't really matter. Your dog is your favorite and always will be. And that's all that really matters in the long run.
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