Is Trick-Or-Treating Happening this Year in at the Shore?
Governor Murphy has made a decision on Halloween in New Jersey for 2020.

Other states around the country are making their decisions about how to handle Halloween and related festivities. Hot spots like Los Angeles are essentially not observing due to COVID. No parades, parties, or trick-or-treating.
Wednesday, Governor Phil Murphy said that Halloween in New Jersey is still on at this moment. Keywords: at this moment. The Gov's office added that trick-or-treating is still going to happen this year.
Will it be like Halloweens in the past? No. The Governor said that safety protocols would be put in place as we get closer to the end of October.
Remember, all of this has a big "if" attached to it.
I also thought that maybe since much of what we usually do has been scaled back, trick-or-treating could follow suit.
I've always been a big fan of the "trunk-or-treat" events. A neighborhood or small town load the trunks of their cars with candy and kids still get to dress up and get their treats in a more supervised fashion. These events are often called "safe trick-or-treats."
If communities went with trunk-or-treating, proper social distancing would be easier to follow and activities would be more controlled. Plus, kids would still get to enjoy Halloween for the most part.
If you're thinking about stocking up on candy for visitors, I wouldn't go crazy this year. I've spoken to many friends and family members who are not letting their children trick-or-treat this year. I'm still going to have candy on hand, just in case.
So, there you have it. As of this writing, Halloween and trick-or-treating at the Jersey Shore is still on. If there was ever a year for Halloween masks to be big, it would be 2020.

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