Ocean County Towns Join Marijuana Sales Ban
After Phil Murphy promised to legalize marijuana within his first 100 days in office, Ocean County has quickly made their message clear: "You can have it, just not here."
Before the new year, Point Pleasant Beach was the first town to officially ban marijuana sales and now it looks like nearby towns are following suit.
According to APP.com, Berkeley Mayor Carmen Amato Jr. said, “We have police officers in all our schools, we have our D.A.R.E. program that teaches kids about the long-term effects drugs can have on you. And then, when they’re taking a bus home from school, they’re passing a marijuana dispensary? I just think that’s sending the wrong message.”
In addition, Seaside Heights is even jumping on the "No Marijuana" bandwagon with an ordinance in the works in an effort to bring back the family feel to the current party-goer town.
Lavallette has had preliminary conversations regarding the ban of marijuana sales but their plan is to hold on making any official decisions until they see exactly what the legalization of marijuana entails for the state of New Jersey.
“There’s no sense in trying to craft an ordinance when you don’t know what shape the law’s going to take,” said Lavallette Mayor Walter LaCicero according to APP.com. “The state may have their own restrictions on where dispensaries can be located.”
I must say I agree with Lavallette's strategy and that people are getting worked up over a situation that has only released minimal details and has yet to even happen. But time will tell.
Check out the original story at APP.com.
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