These Are Some Great Tricks If Your Pet Is Afraid Of Fireworks
It has happened to me, and pretty much anyone else who loves animals. Your pet's night is ruined by fireworks, and there is no more helpless feeling in the world.
Our teacup yorkie was one of the funniest dogs ever. At all of 6 pounds, Zeus thought he was a real tough guy, and it was adorable. But when the fireworks started to do their thing, he was absolutely petrified.
He was ridiculously nervous, he would hide, shake uncontrollably and even drool. I literally hated every firework I heard and wasn't too happy with the neighbors launching them either.
The only way to calm him down was to get him on the bed and turn the TV up loud enough to mask the sound of the fireworks. Even those calming vests didn't work.
So, what do the experts say to do if your pet goes through the same fireworks trauma that 'lil Zeus did?
We checked what the experts at Pet MD say you can do if your pet is suffering through fireworks, and here are some of their suggestions.
There is actually some sound training you can do. You can play fireworks sound effects at a low volume at first and give them treats as they remain calm. As you very gradually turn up the sound, make sure they're not anxious and hopefully they will begin to associate the sound with the treats.
You can also mask the sound as we did, or if all else fails seek some professional help. Whatever it takes for our little family members.
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