Jersey Shore residents say they have never seen anything like this!

Photo by Chirs DAgosoto
Photo by Chirs D'Agosoto

Our friend Chris D'Agosto, who just happens to be the husband of our favorite Point Traffic reporter Nancy Reamy, captured these amazing photos recently.

Viewing it from the Pine Beach area, he says these birds have been hunting for the past few days. Chris says that right now the Toms River is full of bait fish -- perhaps herring or bunker.

This has led to easy pickings for the Osprey, and he says it's been so much fun watching these birds capture their prey!

Photo by Chris D'Agosto

Thanks for breaking out the fancy camera, Chris, to grab these amazing images for those of us who couldn't see it :)

Photo by Chris DAgosto
Photo by Chris DAgosto
(Photo by Chris D'Agosto)
(Photo by Chris D'Agosto)



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