Speculation surrounding Beyonce’s baby bump has the Internet buzzing with allegations that the singer and her husband Jay-Z may be faking her pregnancy! The most common theory suggests that the couple might have even hired a surrogate.

It all began when this video of the star’s interview with Australian TV surfaced on YouTube earlier this week. At the :55 mark, we see Beyonce walk into the room with a glowing smile and a (quite large) round baby bump. However when she goes to sit down, the bump seems to instantly deflate – going from full and firm to almost non-existent! The deal breaker for many skeptics is that she even seems to give a surprised look to the interviewer at that exact moment.

Although her team has deemed the rumors “stupid, ridiculous and false”, I watched the interview three times and I'm still totally stumped! Could Beyonce and Jay-Z be pulling a fast one on us? Would the couple go this far for publicity? We understand keeping certain things private, but if they're experiencing fertility problems then why can’t they just tell us the truth?



Beyonce Fake Baby Bump


Here's another look at the singer's scrunched tummy. You be the judge!

After watching this interview, are you still convinced that Beyonce is pregnant?

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