Santa Claus Performs His Amazing New Jersey Magic
Christmas is here, and even though Santa and the elves work hard all year, we know that Christmas Eve is the big guy’s busiest day.
Lots of lucky kids have already gotten a glimpse of Santa Claus this year. Maybe it was at the mall, riding on a fire truck, or even in a parade, Santa knows everyone wants to see him, so he tries his best to visit as many places as he can.
We certainly don’t profess to know exactly how Santa’s magic works, but I think we can all agree that we’re glad it does.
He has to visit all the good little boys and girls all over the state of New Jersey. So, just how magical is Santa’s magic?
Consider this. The New Jersey State League of Municipalities tells us there are over 3.7 million housing units in the state, and that means if Santa worked from midnight Christmas Eve to 6 am Christmas morning, it would give the big guy about. 006 seconds per house in the Garden State.
Of course, the magic that Santa, the reindeer, the elves, and even Elf On The Shelf have perfected over the years allows Santa to perform Christmas miracles every year.
So, here’s what we have concluded. How Santa performs his Christmas magic is his closely held secret, and we may never know the way he does it, but we are sure glad he does.
All we can do is leave some milk and cookies for the big guy, and maybe even some reindeer food for Rudolph and the gang. Let’s just thank Santa for all he does and promise him we’ll be good next year, too.
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