Scientology House Dedicated in Bay Head; John Travolta Attends
The Church of Scientology is a bit of a controversial group, and now they have a dedicated heritage house here at the Jersey Shore.
Find out which celebrity Scientologist was in town for the festivities and why the address has some people talking!
John Travolta and his wife Kelly Preston were in Bay Head on Saturday at the former home of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard.
It's the place where Hubbard wrote Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health around 1950.
The address? 666 East Ave. (666 of course is a number with varied meanings and historical references.)
At the dedication, the Bay Head Historical Society presented the Church of Scientology with a plaque, to commemorate 'Outstanding Service to the Community' for restoring the house. The home is open for tours as a Heritage site.