THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE: Seagull Killed Due To Fisherman’s Negligence In Surf City, NJ
WARNING: Some of this content may be difficult to read about and see...but it is a conversation that we have to have.
The Associated Humane Popcorn Park Shelter put up a post on Facebook recently that has left me with a knot in my stomach.
A seagull who was severely injured was found by Surf City P.D. who called the Associated Humane Tinton Falls to rescue him from the scene.
This seagull was the latest victim of human waste polluting his life. The Surf City P.D. (in Long Beach Island) found...
Posted by Associated Humane Tinton Falls on Wednesday, February 10, 2021
This bird was entangled in a fishing line so badly that he lost one of his legs once he arrived to the Associated Humane Popcorn Park Shelter facility. His other leg was practically severed by this point as well.
This part gets difficult and I am going to relay the message from the wildlife professionals:
Due to his inability to sustain himself in this condition, the bird was severely anemic and starving. His health was compromised so badly that he did not make it. If nothing else, at least he was surrounded by animal lovers and had a peaceful end, rather than slowly suffering out in the wild.
So unfortunately, the bird in the photos above is not alive today due to the negligence of a human being.
The shelter acknowledges that there are times, "Your line gets snagged on the rocks or on the bottom and you have no choice but to cut," your line.
However, that is not the type of situation that resulted in this bird losing its life.
We're not talking about the accidental gear that ends up in our waters, we are talking about the careless people that are re-tying jigs and toss the leftover line in the water. Or when they spool up their reels and cut the line, and just thrown the whole bunch of it in the water. There's no reason for it. It does not disintegrate. It's careless, reckless behavior that endangers marine life and results in stories like this one.
This is not just our Earth, these are not just our marinas and this story makes me sick.
So now I am asking for your help.
1. Pick up after yourself. This may seem so simple but this bird would still be alive if this fishing line had been disposed of properly.
Something to think about: We also don't know how many other living things have suffered the same fate as this bird that weren't found in time.
2. You see garbage, pick it up. I understand people may be wary of germs right now but wee have one earth, one set of beaches and wildlife that rely on them to survive.
3. Volunteer for a beach clean up. A lot of organizations are going virtual so our beaches can continue to be cleaned. One I strongly recommend is the Surfrider Foundation. If you want to learn a bit more about them, CLICK HERE.
Ladies and Gentlemen....this is UNACCEPTABLE. Enough is enough. Do better.
And just use these gruesome photos as a reminder.
Take a look at the Associated Humane Tinton Falls Facebook Page HERE.