Okay....WARNING: Some gross photos are about to come your way.

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The last few weeks, I have been hobbling along walking my dog Carolina - but I have taken a completely different route to avoid coming into contact with other dogs. Carolina goes crazy and I am just not strong enough to handle her when she does that.

Along our new route is this street in Lavallette that a week or so ago, had water beginning to gather along the side.

At the time, I didn't think anything of it.

But over the past few weeks, this area has started to look more and more disgusting. It almost looks like there are feces sitting in the water?

Then one day while I was walking by, a pipe let out a burst of water right into this area of gross flooding.


I am gagging as I write about this.

I was able to hold my breath and quickly to snap some photos because I would love to be told that I am wrong about this.

Okay...here we go:

Sewage On The Street In Lavallette Can't Be Legal


I did some research at NJ.Gov and I didn't find anything that necessarily says anything against it...I don't think?

I DON'T KNOW! I don't know what all this legal mumbo jumbo means in laments terms!

But it doesn't look sanitary which can't be healthy for those who live there, stay there or even for those who pass by.

Even if this area isn't full of waste, wouldn't you want to get this cleaned up if this were in front of your home or property?

Ew. eW. EW. ew. EWWWW!

Anyways...I can't be the only who feels this way.

Any input? Do you know how to handle this situation?

Let me know at Nicole.Murray@townsquaremedia.com.

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