I came across an article explaining the drinks that men find sexiest for women to order.

Now there definitely were some good answers, but I wasn't quite ready to buy into it without doing some of my own research. I asked a handful of my male friends and I must say besides one or two unique responses, the results were pretty entertaining.

Dirty Martini

"People will know what this drink is everywhere you go. It is common but it is also classy. A definite turn on," said Blake, Boonton.


"It is beyond sexy if a girl orders a whiskey on the rocks because it shows that she is up for just about anything, even if it is not expected," said Meblin, Toms River.

Whatever She Orders For The Man

"This may go against the social norm of a man ordering a drink for a woman but the most interesting thing about someone is their interest in you. Ordering me a drink makes a bold first move and immediately has me thinking 'I'd like to talk to her a little more,'" said Chris, Brick.

Vodka Cranberry

"Yes, it's typical, but if it isn't broken why try to fix it? If that is what she likes, she should order it. The last thing I want is for a woman to change their order based on what she thinks I would like to see her order. You end up dating a blank version of yourself," said Danny, Morristown.


"I personally find it intriguing when a girl can walk up to a bar and order a solid IPA. If she can surprise me with her drink order, I get curious of what else she knows about," Kevin, Freehold.


"It is simple and therefore sexy to me. I am a simple guy and sometimes all you need is some champagne and orange juice for a refreshing drink. Less is more," Ray, Point Pleasant.

Gentlemen, am I missing a major one? Or, do you disagree with the list completely?

Ladies, let me know if you agree and of any drinks you prefer to see your man order below!

See the original article here.

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