Some Jersey Shore Places Are Sure Signs Of Summer
There are just certain Jersey Shore establishments that come to mind first when you get those beautiful spring and summer days.
There was no doubt that there was a summer feel to this weekend at the Jersey Shore, and it's about time. It didn't take Diane and I long to find ourselves in the parking lot of the Sundaes in Point Pleasant.
Yes, Sundaes is open year round and we have certainly taken advantage of that in the past, but there is something very 'Jersey Shore summer' about taking the family for some Sundaes ice cream.
It's always a great place to run into neighbors or take the team after a game. There's just something awesome and traditional about it all.
I'm sure we all have those places that are just part of our summers here at the Jersey Shore. And we want to celebrate all of them this time of year. So let us know which local establishments are the one's that mean summer for you!
Tell us your go to places for a Jersey Shore summer and let's start enjoying this much anticipated time of the year. May is here, Memorial Day weekend is around the corner, and the weather is finally starting to cooperate!
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