
NJ Shoppers Love Their Credit Cards
NJ Shoppers Love Their Credit Cards
NJ Shoppers Love Their Credit Cards
Put into perspective, if you owe $3000 on a credit card with an interest rate of 28%, and you made payments of $100 (interest plus 1% of the balance) it would take you almost 7 years to pay off the debt. Your interest payments alone would be over $3700.
Iconic Manasquan Inlet Favorite On Market For Big Bucks
Iconic Manasquan Inlet Favorite On Market For Big Bucks
Iconic Manasquan Inlet Favorite On Market For Big Bucks
It's not just the picturesque views of the Manasquan River and Manasquan Inlet or the food or fare that make this establishment so special. It's the memories. Countless families have swung through after a day at Manasquan Beach or Seawatch Beach. Countless employees have spent their summers serving food, drink, and deserts while putting smiles on the faces of their customers. Countless memories have been made by, dare I say, millions of locals and tourists over the last 80 years. Now, this great business is up for sale and the price tag is equally memorable.

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