jersey shore

We Found the Best Pork Roll, Egg, & Cheese in New Jersey
We Found the Best Pork Roll, Egg, & Cheese in New Jersey
We Found the Best Pork Roll, Egg, & Cheese in New Jersey
New Jersey's famous for its pork roll, egg, and cheese. It is pork roll, not Taylor ham. Sorry, it always was and always will be pork roll (sorry North Jersey.)  There's a science to eating a really, really good pork roll, egg, and cheese. ...
These 8 Words You'll Only Understand if You're From Jersey
These 8 Words You'll Only Understand if You're From Jersey
These 8 Words You'll Only Understand if You're From Jersey
We have a lot here in New Jersey and we have a lot of words we use especially while driving in New Jersey, lol. The beaches, the best restaurants, boardwalks, lakes, and everything else, including eight words that you'll only understand if you live here in the Garden State.

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