Are you the smartest person at the Jersey Shore?

Listen to Matt Ryan weekday afternoons at 5:20 and try to answer the Nearly Impossible Question! Miss a question or answer? Check out the NIQ archive.


41% of guys at the Jersey Shore say they're scared of this. What is it?


ANSWER: Going bald!


A fifth of Millennials says they've never eaten this. What is it?




39% of households at the Jersey Shore have this in their kitchen. What is it?


ANSWER: Chopsticks


28% of women say they don't do this during the winter months. What is it?

MOST POPULAR GUESS: Shave their legs.

ANSWER: Paint their toenails, or get a pedicure.


The average person will spend 16 months of their life doing this. What is it?

MOST POPULAR GUESS: Sitting in traffic

ANSWER: Deciding what to watch on TV


31% of people wouldn’t date someone that doesn’t do this. What is it?

MOST POPULAR GUESS: Brush their teeth

ANSWER: Eat meat


49% of women hate it when their man does this. What is it?


ANSWER: Drink from the container


On average, people forget to do this five times a month. What is it?


ANSWER: Wear deodorant. (Ew!)


30% of guys at the Jersey Shore in a relationship feel comfortable enough to do this after 3 months. What is it?


ANSWER: Share their toothbrush


On average, people throwaway a quarter of this product. What is it?




The average person at the Jersey Shore sees about 4,500 of these a month. What is it?


ANSWER: French fries

42% of people at the Jersey Shore said they were happier when they stopped doing this. What is it?


ANSWER: Going on Facebook


23% of Jersey Shore couples say this annoys them most about their partner. What is it?

Most popular guess: Snoring

Answer: Talking in their sleep


56% of people at the Jersey Shore do this while shopping. What is it?

Most popular guess: Talk or text

Answer: Eat


47% of people at the Jersey Shore think this should be our state food. What is it?

Most popular guess: Pork roll

Answer: Bacon


31% of guys have borrowed this from their girlfriend. What is it?

Most popular guess: Razor

Answer: Deodorant


47% of married men say this is their least favorite thing to do. What is it?

Most popular guess: Shopping

Answer: Watching chick-flicks


38% of women surveyed said they are trying to cut back on this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Carbs

Answer: Gossiping


In the next 3 hours, 10.2 million of these will be purchased. What is it?

Most popular guess: Lottery tickets

Answer: Pizzas


On average, we do this every year and a half. What is it?

Most popular guess: Go to the dentist
Answer: Buy a new cell phone


58% of people say this is the most embarrassing thing to happen involving their cars. What is it?

Most popular guess: Hit something

Answer: Forget where they parked


19% of people claim to fake doing this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Have an orgasm (!)

Answer: Talking on the phone (to avoid having to talk to someone)


This costs the average person 60 cents per year. What is it?

Most popular guess: Flossing

Answer: Charging their phone


21% of people do this because they think it makes them look smarter. What is it?

Most popular guess: Wear glasses

Answer: Display books in their home or office


According to a new survey, this is the second biggest pet peeve when at the gym. People taking selfies is number one. What is it?

Most popular guess: Not wiping down the machine when done

Answer: Naked people in the locker room talking to you


28% of kids went to school with this in their backpacks today. What is it?

Most popular guess: Computer or tablet

Answer: Hand sanitizer


The average a woman does this 19 times before getting married. What is it?

Most popular guess: Go on a date

Answer: Kiss 19 different men


11% of people have done this at the office. What is it?

Most popular guess: Had sex

Answer: Photocopyed their butt


38% of people say they do this everyday at work. What is it?

Most popular guess: Nap

Answer: Dress casually


57% of people in a new survey say they would never break this rule. What is it?

Most popular guess: Date a friend's ex

Answer: Use the express lane at the store with more than 10 items


Only 5% of households don't have one of these. What is it?

Most popular guess: Pet

Answer: Ketchup


One in three American adults have one of these in their bedroom. What is it?

Most popular guess: Night light

Answer: Stuffed animal


The average person will do this about 4 times before the end of a year. What is it?

Most popular guess: Go to the doctor

Answer: Buy a gift for someone they don't like


39% of people say this was their latest big money purchase. What is it?

Most popular guess: TV

Answer: Mattress


34% of people claim they don't do this at the gym. What is it?

Most popular guess: Wipe down machines

Answer: Sweat


Even though it's a requirement, 28% of people still don't do this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Jury duty

Answer: Turn off their phone or turn to airplane mode when flying


47% of men have done this by accident. What is it?

Most popular guess: Called someone the wrong name

Answer: Said "I love you"


Only 9% of people say they don't have one of these. What is it?

Most popular guess: TV

Answer: Friend


25% of married people say if they won the lottery big, they would do this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Quit their job

Answer: Get a divorce


18% of people will do this at other people's houses. What is it?

Most popular guess: Go through their medicine cabinet

Answer: Fix their toilet paper roll (make sure the paper is going over the roll)


59% of women will do this before the holidays. What is it?

Most popular guess: Clean the house

Answer: Go on a diet


18% of people have quit their job because of this reason. What is it?

Most popular guess: No raise

Answer: Their mother told them to


The average person does this 4 years sooner than compared to 40 years ago. What is it?

Most popular guess: Retire

Answer: Go gray


Moms are more likely to than Dads to admit this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Their income

Answer: Their favorite child


51% of people who have these have never used them. What are they?

Most popular guess: Vacation days

Answer: Sunroof or convertible top


29% of men have never done this at home. What is it?

Most popular guess: The dishes

Answer: Cleaned the toilet


The average person does this 26% less than they think they do. What is it?

Most popular guess: Blink

Answer: Smile


36% of people admit to doing this while they fly. What is it?

Most popular guess: Drink

Answer: Flirt

People you work with are 27% more likely to do this on Fridays. What is it?

Most popular guess: Leave early

Answer: Flirt


31% of men are doing this and nobody knows. What is it?

Most popular guess: Waxing themselves

Answer: Dieting


43% of us have this in our living room. What is it?

Most popular guess: TV

Answer: Assigned seating


15% of men say they do this while working out in public because it impresses women. What is it?

Answer: Grunt


19% of people says when it comes to the bedroom, this is their biggest pet peeve. What is it?

Answer: Crumbs in the bed


22% of workers have one of these. What is it?

Answer: A candy jar on their desk


Only 5% of women have used this as a reason to end a bad date. What is it?

Answer: Upset stomach


21% of kids will do this to get ready for school. What is it?

Most popular guess: Get a haircut

Answer: Teeth whitening


46% of parents say this happens as soon as their kids go back to school. What is it?

Most popular guess: They get sick

Answer: Parents want to have another child


22% of people have seen someone in their neighborhood do this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Walk outside in their bathrobe

Answer: Get the morning paper in their underwear


28% of people use at least two of these daily. What is it?

Most popular guess: Q-Tips

Answer: Alarm clocks


Over two-thirds of people have a favorite one of these. What is it?

Most popular guess: Pillow

Answer: Coffee cup or mug


37% of parents will share this with their kids. What is it?

Most popular guess: Food

Answer: Where they were conceived


75% of women do this at least once a month, with 33% of women doing it at least once a week. What is it?

Most popular guess: Manicure

Answer: Cry


78% of adults have admitted to staying up later than usual to do this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Go online

Answer: Binge watch TV


79% of kids have lied to their parents about this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Their grades

Answer: Brushing their teeth


In the first year of a baby's life, this will happen nearly 800 times. What is it?

Most popular guess: Cry

Answer: Have their picture taken


75% of women compared to 88% of men have done this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Gotten a ticket

Answer: Jump started a car


18 is the average number of these for women. What are they?

Most popular guess: Shoes

Answer: Pounds they want to lose


28% of guys ruin a first date by doing this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Forgetting their date's name

Answer: Not opening the car door for their date


41% of drivers have or have had this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Road rage

Answer: A "baby on board" sign


89% of people have never used this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Public transportation

Answer: Frequent flyer miles


9% of guys have done this, but have told nobody. What is it?

Most popular guess: Cheat

Answer: Tried on their wives bra


Guys are 40% more likely to do this than women. What is it?

Most popular guess: Cheat

Answer: Tip more than 20% at a restuarant


41% of men said in a survey that they can't go a week with out this. What is it?

Most popular guess: A drink

Answer: Pizza


This embarrassing thing has happened to 29% of people while away from home. What is it?

Most popular guess: Wet their pants

Answer: Locked themselves out of their hotel room NAKED!


According to a recent study, this will cost you about $4,000 a year. What is it?

Most popular guess: Putting gas in your car

Answer: Owning a cat


About 1/3 of people say they owned this in the 80s. What is it?

Most popular guess: A Walkman

Answer: A black light


39% of married men say their wife does this and it drives them nuts. What is it?

Most popular guess: Dress them

Answer: Be a backseat driver


Over 20% of women say these turn them on more than their partners. What are they?

Most popular guess: Other men

Answer: New shoes


Experts say people reach the peak of their ability to do this at age 8. What is it?

Most popular guess: Tell the truth

Answer: See ghosts!


About 40% of people in a new survey on selfies say they really do not like it when people post selfies of themselves doing this.  What is it?

Most popular guess: Duck face

Answer: Working out


39% of men say that women shouldn't do this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Drive

Answer: Mow the lawn


28% of Moms claim they refuse to share this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Child's name

Answer: Babysitter's information


When it comes to relationships, only 9% of women get a say in this. What is it?

Most popular guess: TV

Answer: Engagement ring


24% of people have done this. Most are proud, some and embarrassed. What is it?

Most popular guess: Won an award

Answer: Appeared on TV


28% of adults admit they've done this to save time. What is it?

Most popular guess: Not showered

Answer: Gotten dressed while they were driving


24% of parents are embarrassed to admit they've done this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Forgot where their child is

Answer: Hide from their kids in the bathroom


38% of men do this before going out on a date. What is it?

Most popular guess: Shave

Answer: Trim their nose hair


The typical woman in the U.S. has the same one of these for 16 years. What is it?

Most popular guess: Brush

Answer: Best friend


28% of work email is about this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Meetings

Answer: Getting another job


A new survey shows flight attendants find with the most disgusting. What is it?

Most popular guess: Bathrooms

Answer: Passengers cutting their toenails


A new study shows 19% if people have lost their cell phone here. Where is it?

Most popular guess: The toilet

Answer: The laundry basket


Parents tell their kids to do this about 15 times a month. What is it?

Most popular guess: Clean your room

Answer: Tie your shoe


29% of us have gone to work with this. What is it?

Most popular guess: A hangover

Answer: A price tag on our clothes


The average person spent $1100 in 2013 on this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Taxes

Answer: Going out to lunch


68% of people say they get annoyed if they have to wait more than 60 seconds for this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Fast food

Answer: An elevator


29% of pet owners have done this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Dressed them

Answer: Tasted their food


49% of men do this within the first 3 years of marriage. What is it?

Most popular guess: Cheat

Answer: Lost their wedding ring


53% of women say doing this makes guys better looking. What is it?

Most popular guess: Working out

Answer: Holding an musical instrument


The average person has 8 of these that they got for free. What are they?

Most popular guess: Pens

Answer: Coffee mugs


The average person does this 20 times a day. What is it?

Most popular guess: Text


32% of people say the usually don't like doing this with their partner. What is it?

Most popular guess: Shop

Answer:Watch TV

Last year 11% of newborns had one of these. What are they?

Most popular guess: Birthmark

Answer: An email address

Thousands were polled about tax write offs. What was the # 1 thing people wish they could write off?

Most popular guess: Food

Answer: Starbucks coffee

17% of people can do this everyday. What is it?

Most popular guess: Exercise

Answer: Wake up without an alarm clock


The average person does this around 4 times a week. What is it?

Most popular guess: Wash their hair

Answer: Quote a famous movie line

According to a recent survey – when you have a guest staying at your house the #1 complaint they have is when you leave them alone in the house. What is #2 on their list of complaints?

Most popular guess: Too cold

Answer: Not enough toilet paper in the bathroom

73% of college kids admit to have admitted to doing this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Cheat on a test

Answer: Share a roomate's toothbrush

Men get 67% of these. What are they?

Most popular guess: Raises

Answer: Speeding tickets

8% of Americans have done this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Gone skydiving

Answer: Seen a UFO

Women think about this approximately 52 times a day. What is it?

Most popular guess: Weight

Answer: Their hair


Almost a third of women say they dislike this about their friends. What is it?

Most popular guess: Their spouse

Answer: Their engagement ring

14% of people say this stresses them out so much they cry. What is it?

Most popular guess: Go to the dentist

Answer: Sit In traffic

The average person will do this 7,600 times in their lifetime. What is it?

Most popular guess: Sneeze

Answer: Shower


Research shows that doing this reduces the risk of having a fight with your partner. What is it?

Most popular guess: Walk away

Answer: Dim the lights

Typically this happens to women at age 34. What is it?

Most popular guess: First grey hair

Answer:They start acting like their mother

When it comes to office pet peeves, 39% of people say this is the worst. What is it?

Most popular guess: Lack of privacy

Answer: People who take off their shoes

8% of people admit to doing this while driving. What is it?

Most popular guess: Pick their nose

Answer: Read

42% of people have wanted to do this, but haven't. What is it?

Most popular guess: Sky dive

Answer: Throw something at the TV

Women on average will do this over 5,500 times in their lifetime. What is it?

Most popular guess: Put on makeup

Answer: Step on the scale

52% of people say this is their favorite activity. What is it?

Most popular guess: Sleeping

Answer: Eating

On average, women do this 4 times a year. What is it?

Most popular guess: Color their hair

Answer: Spend the day in pajamas

Women do this more than men when it comes to driving. What is it?

Most popular guess: Break

Answer: Drive on empty

According to a new survey, it takes the average person 4 tries to get this just right. What is it?

Most popular guess: Dates

Answer: Taking a selfie


According to a new medical survey, 37% of people do this while they're sleeping. What is it?

Most popular guess: Walk

Answer: Text


66% of women say they wouldn't date a guy if he had this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Bad breath

Answer: Grey hair!

In the U.S., we spend $77 billion on these. What are they?

Most popular guess: Fast food meals

Answer: Weddings

32% of women say they feel most confident when they do this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Wear makeup

Answer: Wear red lipstick


38% of newlyweds say they miss this most from when they were single. What is it?

Most popular guess: Time to hang out with friends

Answer: Having their own bathroom

57% of teenage boys do this at least two times a day. What is it?

Most popular guess: Change clothes

Answer: Spray cologne


A new survey on rude behavior is out and 34% admit to doing this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Talk too loudly on the cell phone

Answer: Using the express lane at the store with too many items

64% of men say it takes them about 6 minutes to do this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Shower

Answer: Decide if he wants to ask a woman out on a second date

24% of drivers DO NOT do this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Use their turn signal

Answer: Let other drivers merge next to them.


28% of people have done this to someone they don't know without them knowing it. What is it?

Most popular guess: Talk about them

Answer: Taken a picture of them

44% of people in a new survey say they do this at least 5 times a day. What is it?

Most popular guess: Update their Facebook status

Answer: Hit the snooze button

54% of guys say they've looked foolish doing this at least once. What is it?

Most popular guess: Dancing

Answer: Opening a bottle of wine or champagne


It's weird, but 11% of people enjoy the taste of this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Paste

Answer: Envelope glue

37% of people need help at work doing this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Spreadsheets

Answer: Changing their password.

Women are responsible for 9% of these. What are they?

Most popular guess: Car accidents

Answer: Marriage proposals

18% of people have at least one of these in their house. What is it?

Most popular guess: Pets

Answer: Broken appliance

The average person buys one of these every year and a half. What is it?

Most popular guess: Car

Answer: Cell phone

The average woman has 16 of these. What are they?

Most popular guess: Pairs of shoes

Answer: Pounds she wants to lose

37% of Americans in a new study say this was their biggest splurge. What is it?

Most popular guess: Car

Answer: Bed

53% of American's say this is their favorite activity. What is it?

Most popular guess: Watching TV

Answer: Eating

The average person will burn 283 calories by doing this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Chewing gum

Answer: Watching a scary movie

25 years ago, 80% of households had one of these, today about 3% do.  What do you think it is?

Most popular guess: Land line phone

Answer: Popcorn popper

23% of people say they call this person at least once a week. Who is it?

Most popular guess: Their parents

Answer: Themselves (to find their phone)

84% of women have done this to lose weight. What is it?

Most popular guess: Skip meals

Answer: Buy clothes that are too small

7% of American's who are married or are in long-term relationships have this in common. What is it?

Most popular guess: Birthday

Answer: They met online

According to a recent poll, 29% of people will lie to get out of doing this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Going to jury duty.

Answer: Going to a wedding!

According to a recent survey, 42% of women say they'd rather not do it, but they'll ask a man for help with this if they have to. What is it?

Most popular guess: Change a tire.

Answer: Zipping up a dress!

According to a recent survey, the majority of people say this item is a necessity, but about 20% of people say they don't have one in their home. What is it?

Most popular guess: Microwave or fire extinguisher.

Answer: Alarm clock!

In a recent poll, women were asked to name the top things that would totally ruin their day. The first was a fight with their significant other, next was getting yelled at by their boss. What was third?

Most popular guess: Getting a call from the school nurse/teacher.

Answer: Pants that don’t fit!

59% of people will do this while they're on vacation, but not at home. What is it?

Most popular guess: Take a nap

Answer: Eat dessert!

40% of people say they have actually spoken to this object. What is it?

Most popular guess: Their television

Answer: ATM

29% of husbands have hidden this from their wives. What is it?

Most popular guess: A bank account

Answer: A speeding ticket

A recent survey shows that 73% of people own one of these, but never use it. What is it?

Most popular guess: Exercise equipment

Answer: Flashlight

The average person does this 11 time a day. What is it?

Most popular guess: Yawn

Answer: Laugh


Guys do this 36 seconds quicker than women. What is it?

Most popular guess: Shower

Answer: Change a diaper

24% of men have ruined a date by making this mistake. What is it?

Most popular guess: Forgetting their date's name

Answer: Not going up to the door at the beginning of the date

38% of men say they would dump their girlfriend for this. What is it?

Most popular guess: Their dream car

Answer: A better looking woman


68% of parents with young children do this at least twice a week. What is it?

Most popular guess: Eat out

Answer: Post pictures of their kids on Facebook

The average parents spend about $54 a week on this. What is it?

Most popular guess: School lunches

Answer: Babysitting


According to, this is the worst possible pickup line men can use at a bar. What is it?

Most popular guess: Do I know you?

Answer:Come here often?

On average, this happens at work twice a year. What is it?

Most popular guess: A raise

Answer: Collections for office parties

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