Mornings. If that word brings to mind feelings of exhaustion, stress and rushing around, you are certainly not alone, but experts may be able to help.

Those experts have compiled a list of suggestions to make your morning schedule more tolerable and less crazy. The report appeared at and focuses on rethinking some things you may be doing as second nature by now.

The experts say, first of all, don't be afraid to rethink some bad habits like leaving tasks like picking out clothes or preparing lunch until the morning. The experts say the more that's already done before you even wake up, the easier the morning will be.

Another tip is to keep your phone out of reach. Keep it where you can still hear the alarm but have to get out of bed to turn it off. The short walk will help you wake up and the distance from your phone while you're in bed will eliminate the urge to check your email or texts.

A lot of advice like this lands in the "easier said than done" category, but if there's a chance one or more suggestions may actually help your crazy mornings be a little less crazy, then it might be worth giving it a try.


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