This letter from wonderful friend Scott, who copes with a physical disability, contains some words of wisdom that will hopefully help others who may find themselves in the same position.

Here is Scott's letter to the person who caused him to be stuck and left searching for help from a stranger.

"Dear Sir/Ma'am,

Your car is parked illegally next to mine. It is an extension of a handicapped parking space...reserved for people with disabilities with the proper identification on their vehicle. While I know we are all human and make mistakes, I am hopeful this is one that you will never make again. Because of your parking here today I...

1.  Felt even more disabled because I could not get in my van.

2. Could not get in my van because I use a wheelchair and have a ramp that comes out of my car into the extension of the regular parking space (where the diagonal lines are in the space you occupied.)

3. Needed to ask a complete stranger to move my van so I could get my ramp out to get in my van.

4.  Talked to the parking lot attendant who did not know ths was a handicapped parking space either so this never happens again.

5. Hope that you will own this mistake and correct it immediately by telling as many people as possible, who may also not know about these parking spaces.

Your fellow human being...with a disability,


(Scott Chesney)
(Scott Chesney)

We happen to have the honor of knowing Scott Chesney. He has been on our show. In fact, he is responsible for helping make beach access easier for those with physical disabilities. Scott is a motivational speaker and life coach to over 1.5 million people in 40 countries. And he is an Ambassador for the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation and currently working on their Access Asbury initiative to bring about more wheelchair accessibility to the beaches and the entire city of Asbury Park.

Thank you, Scott, for taking the time to educate all of us on this parking concern. You are a champion for the disabled. We look forward to having you on our show again soon!


(Scott Chesney)
(Scott Chesney)

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