Will Ocean Township Development Project Decrease Local Air Quality?
Ocean Township residents have been attending Council meetings expressing their opposition to the development project proposed for the corner of Deal Road and Route 35, which would remove approximately 30 acres of mature trees, displacing wildlife, increasing environmental pollution and traffic.
The resource intensity of the development project may place an excessive burden on the community’s water and electricity accessibility and increase routine trucking traffic to service the anticipated gas station, hotel, gym, restaurant and other proposed retailers.
Another environmental concern is the potential deterioration of air quality in the region. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, urban trees and forests remove fine particulate air pollution, which impacts human health. Fine particulate air pollution can cause serious health issues including pulmonary inflammation, accelerated atherosclerosis, altered cardiac functions and premature death. You can read more about how trees make cities healthier by clicking here.
Simply put, lush tree canopies reduce air pollution, help produce clear air and water, reduce energy costs and create healthier living environments.
Other environmental concerns include a fuel station near wetlands and Poplar Brook. The next Council meeting is December 28th, 7 p.m. at Town Hall, where residents are expected to voice their concerns. A separate meeting has been organized by the proposed developer, Paramount Realty on January 4, 2018, from 7 pm-9 pm at the Ocean Township High School Auditorium where a presentation will disclose specifics about the development project. The floor will be open for questions from the public and some professionals will be available to address issues regarding traffic, drainage, stream encroachment, road improvements, setbacks, buffering open space etc.
What do you think about the plans for the development project?