Animals on a Wall Township Farm Could Face Winter with No Shelter
A non-profit group that has spent the past several years rescuing horses and other farm animals, as well as providing incredible opportunities for high-risk and special needs kids, is now fighting a battle to finish building a barn on their property to shelter the animals.
A couple of neighbors who live close to the farm property that Allaire Community Farm has acquired are doing everything within their power to halt the 501c3 from continuing to build a larger barn as they fulfill their mission to help our community in so many ways.
In fact, there is a court date later today to determine if these neighbors can successfully stop this non-profit, at least temporarily, from operating.
All that this farm wants to do is to continue helping our community. Their mission is to utilize their rescued animals and the working farm environment to nurture special- needs and at-risk people along with their families. This is accomplished through programs, events and outreaches throughout the year that focus on animal therapy, equine therapy, organic gardening, vocational training and self esteem building.
In addition, this charity reaches out to our neighbors in the community who are battling cancer or are struggling financially by providing free organic produce. They also work closely with Whole Foods to supply food to the local food banks. To date the farm has donated over $23,000 worth of produce to local families
This farm is a sanctuary for ALL. Fully 100 percent of all monies generated through pony parties, class trips, donations, riding lessons, etc go directly to the nonprofit.
Allaire Community Farm has spoken directly to numerous rotaries, churches, mental health outreaches, special needs organizations and schools in establishing working relationships. They have forged an agreement with Merri- Makers Catering, Natures Corner, and Whole Foods to purchase produce from their crops. Wawa, NJNG ,Shop Rite, and Wegmans are just some of the establishments that have supported the farm. They have also fostered positive relationships with local farms such as Clover Hill Farm and From the Garden Farm. Allaire Community Farm is truly a community farm for ALL to enjoy.
However, some of the neighbors don't want the farm at it's new location and are doing anything and everything they can to keep this non-profit from being able to operate.
After years of time and effort to develop this non-profit farm, Allaire Community Farm is now fighting for its life, and the life of its animals, as well as to protect those who have come to depend on Allaire Community Farm for their mental and physical health.
If you would like to show your support for Allaire Community Farm, learn more by CLICKING HERE and HERE.
To read more details about the legalities of this case, CLICK HERE.