Be Safe, Ocean County, NJ – Slow Down at Toll Booths
Why not take an easy step to save lives?
By now, you've probably heard of the tragic toll booth crash that happened in South Jersey this past weekend. It was truly an unfortunate incident, and my heart goes out to the victims and their families.
But, reading this story made me think about how we could all stand to be a little bit safer when it comes to driving. Regardless of where the drivers are from, I have seen Jersey drivers speeding when approaching toll booths, and slowing down at the very last second.
If you're from Ocean County, chances are you or your loved ones drive on a toll road almost daily. Don't you want them to get home safely every day?
Tragic accidents or accidents of any kind can be avoided if drivers exercise care behind the wheel. I know we're all in a rush (I'm guilty of it too), but at the end of the day, we're not the only ones on the road. In this unfortunate situation, it wasn't only the drivers who were in danger, it was a toll booth worker as well.
The next time you hop in a car, slow down, put your phone away, and be safe - especially when approaching toll booths. If you're unable to do this for yourself, at least do it for the safety of others and your loved ones.
Thank you, Ocean County.