He has been in the shelter for 23 MONTHS!!! That is FAR too long :(

Meet Hank. Let's no keep overlooking him. He's about 7 years old and a good cuddler and kisser! This dog is a mix of American Bulldog and Staffordshire Bull Terrier and just a sweetheart.

Hank needs to be the only dog in your home. He can go on walks with other dogs on leashes, but he doesn't want to play or be off-leash with other dogs because he once had a bad experience and it scarred him :(

(Hank, Photo courtesy of the Associated Humane Society in Tinton Falls)
(Hank, Photo courtesy of the Associated Humane Society in Tinton Falls)

Hank loves his toys and bathing in the sun. He walks really well on-leash and is potty-trained to go outside.

The fact that he has been in the shelter at the Associated Humane Societies in Tinton Falls for so long is upsetting. Please don't keep overlooking him and give this boy a home and a family.

Please spread the word.

For more info, call 732-922-0100 or email Kim: ktamborra@ahsppz.org

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