Co Co Puff? Chewbacca? Find Out The Winning Name For This Puppy!
The Monmouth County SPCA considered all of the great names you suggested for this precious 8 week old puppy that is up for adoption, and the winning name is...
...WICKET! Geraldine Clays suggested it because she thinks the Shih Tzu really looks like an Ewok.
The runner-up name, submitted by Jane Petrie Chmielweski and Heather Morris DiPianta, was CHEWIE, since they (and many others) think our Point Pet of the Week looks like Chewbacca.
Check out yesterday's feature on Wicket to see all of the suggested names. We had a lot of fun with this and thank you for your contributions. Now we need to find Wicket and his siblings and his mother their forever home. The MCSPCA rescued them from being bred illegally in substandard conditions.
If you are interested in Wicket or any of the other puppies, dogs, kittens, cats and more at the MCSPCA, you can visit them at 260 Wall Street in Eatontown or, starting April 26th, at their new adoption center inside Freehold Raceway Mall.