Asbury Park recently unveiled their brand new Electronic Scooters that are available for both residents and visitors.

They are super affordable -- riders just have to download the E-Scooter App. People must pay $1 to unlock the scooter and than it costs $.15 for each minute of use.

There are a multiple benefits that these scooters offer that immediately jump into my mind: they solve the hectic parking situation, decrease pollution and get people outdoors more often!

However, with the positive always come the negative.

Residents have been complaining that they have seen riders going way too fast, are leaving these scooters in the way of others in the town and that some are not abiding by the age restrictions.

They have added a few safety rules to try and help but it is a problem that must be taken into account.

So my question for you is:

How would you feel if these Electronic Scooters were available in towns throughout Jersey Shore?

Personally, I see many more positives than negatives. There will always be a few that behave irresponsibly but that does mean that is the precedent. Let's reduce pollution and the crowded parking situation together!

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