Did you know that the average American manages over 90 passwords?  It has really gotten out of hand so the big dogs decided that we can do better.  Are you ready for this?  Passwords are going to be a thing of the past. 

Photo by Cookie the Pom on Unsplash
Photo by Cookie the Pom on Unsplash

It’s true.  Apple, Google, and Microsoft say that passwords are the pits and I could not agree more.  We have so many passwords to keep track of that we forget them and then get caught in the vortex of re-setting them on the regular. 

The problem is, we go through all the hassle, and passwords don’t even keep us secure. Almost 80 percent of data breaches come from weak passwords!  It is so hard to keep all those passwords straight that people re-use them which really creates a risk.  

Yep, big tech is going to take the proverbial password out behind the barn and shoot it.  Well, we have to use something to protect our accounts so what's next?  The rollout of a new passwordless sign-in standard across all platforms and devices will be everywhere (some sites have already started like Facebook), with the rest to follow.  Remember how you laughed at people who kept a Hotmail address?  Yeah, soon having a password will be like that. 

We should expect to sign into our devices and accounts by using our fingerprints, face recognition, or PIN. 

The FIDO alliance says,

“This new approach protects against phishing and sign-in will be radically more secure when compared to passwords and legacy multi-factor technologies such as on-time passcodes sent over SMS.”

Of course, this new system is operating under the assumption that you will always have your smartphone by your side, which is actually a pretty safe assumption except for the 15% of people who don't own one. To sign into a computer, you’ll need to be prompted to unlock it via your phone for access. All this is starting to happen, no word on exactly how long it will take for passwords to become a dinosaur altogether. 

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Phishing attacks suck and so do data breaches.  If a company does not have your data no one can breach you. That’s why the fingerprint and face scan is the future and I don’t hate it. Facebook already started using it and there will be more to follow until that is all we have.  You can read more about it from CNBC here.   One question though, what happens if we drop our phone in the toilet?

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