First Visible Full Moon At The JS This Summer Arrives TONIGHT!
Don't miss the first official full moon of the Summer here at the Jersey Shore!
The June "Strawberry Moon" -- its official name -- will start to be visible this evening (Wednesday, 6/27) at 8:54 PM in the east/northeast section of the sky. Then tomorrow evening (Thursday, 6/28), the full moon peak at 12:53 AM. Other nicknames circulating are "honey moon" or the "mead moon," -- whatever that means.
The moon, however, will not appear red despite its misleading name. It is solely called the "Strawberry Moon" because June was the prime month that Native Americans would harvest Strawberries. I know, misleading right?
The moon will appear as a yellowish or golden-orange which when seen along the horizon, will be gorgeous and rather calming view.
I know it is not the most preferable time but try and take a look because the next full moon of the Summer is not for an entire month!
All the details on this week's full moon as well as other full moon fun facts can be found at NJ.com.
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